PBS- A marketing Stroke of Genius!!

PBS- What is it?

PBS is NOT your Public Broadcast Station. Rather, it is a Performance Blogging System. Blogging as a group for the benefit of the group is what it is all about. We all like to share things we learn and enjoy. Stories of new places we explored. Interesting things we find and possibly try. It’s what makes the world go ’round. Here, we do so to generate an income. Your first step will be here! Now, let’s spell it out, shall we…..?

  • Performance – (as taken in context with the dictionary) Is “the manner in which or the efficiency with which something reacts or fulfills its intended purpose”
  • Blogging – Writing ones owns experiences or opinions, etc, on a website often having links to other websites added.
  • System – “a coordinated body of methods or a scheme or plan of procedure; organizational scheme.

Why PBS works.

So, as you can imagine, people like to share what they learn, see, and experience. Others like to experience these same things through others eyes and feelings. How we express things can motivate, inspire, and encourage others around us or around the world.

Just think! Grandpa tells his stories and experiences to those who would listen. Thus, some have been inspired to greatness. and passing that along can and does improve many lives.

Did grandpa know that he was moving lives? Perhaps he imagined, maybe hoped. But, in reality we can never be certain of just what we can impact. Only that if we say and do nothing, that will be the result….Nothing!

Sharing is Caring

Can a PBS make me money!

Consider this; there are so many platforms of blogging out there – Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, just to name a very few that I know of. Plus, there are personal blog sites people have some interesting things they do and some with intriguing ideas to share. Have you anything you would like others to know about? There is a platform out there for it.

Within all of this, are many levels of possible income generation.

  • Popularity – If there are enough visitors to your site, there are advertisers that will pay to encourage you to continue and grow.
  • Site direction – You can sign up with different product sales companies like ClickBank, etc. Thus, you earn a commission when someone buys through you.
  • Your own Wares – Have something you know people want? Advertise on your own site.

There are many ways to generate income thru blogging. It can be a fun and exciting way to connect with others and build a financial future – A word of caution though, Once you start that path you will be approached by many who say they can help you become wealthy. Do your research before investing a large sum of money on Hype.

There are people that seem to have a natural ability to draw people to them. They become “influencers” and can generate huge incomes due to that fact. The rest of us need help. And we can find it by the score. What works for one may not for another.

What Help Do You Need?

This, of course, is where you need to have an honest assessment of your abilities, offerings, and desire to succeed. then, again, do your research. What platform do you want to use? Any or all? Who do you want to reach? Are you teachable and coach-able?

To be totally frank; I had no idea what I wanted to do. I just saw the internet as a way to get out of the rat race. I came across a lot of hurdles and disappointments (mild thought statement). Then I learned of PBS and an amazing opportunity. It would be a disservice to yourself not to check this out. Learn the amazing possibilities here!!

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